Home PageWater FiltersBrita Purity C Quell St Cartridge |
Brita Purity C Quell St Cartridge €129.49
BRITA PURITY C Quell ST - replacement cartridge (Does not include the head)
Details: You don't want your coffee machine to malfunction due to a lack of prevention. Purity C will protect your coffee machine from costly breakdowns - caused by a build-up of minerals. (Prevention is better than the cure, as the cure is usually going to be expensive downtime, while a technician is called and if the correct replacement parts are available.) These are a better solution to the resin-based softeners that are regenerated by salt, - no sodium in the water and no forgetting if it was regenerated or not) 💡Change every 6 months depending on cup volume and hardness level - avoid breakdowns, expensive replacement parts and better quality coffee and crema. Features:
Replacement cartridge sizes:
💡When fitting remove at least 2 liters of water through the gray silicon flush tube or until water runs clear of carbon dust.
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