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E&B LAB baskets & shower screens

E&B LAB - Espresso & Brewing - Ultrafine Coffee Tools

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1 - 14 of 14 Products

E&B Lab is the Creative Laboratory of IMS, where ideas are experimented, and new products are designed and produced with an artisanal approach, and care for details and materials. This idea was born a few years ago at IMS when, following their aim to make stainless steel filters for brewing methods different from espresso, they combined their experience in coffee filtration and constant research for materials and new applications. So they started with the first project, designing the Fine and the Superfine filter disk for Aeropress and for other manual brewing methods.

IMS make E&B LAB, since 2016, with the industry standard 70mm wide baskets. E&B LAB makes the superfine  B702TH24SF, a new range of baskets for a drier puck - The basket acts like a 2nd shower screen so keeps the puck dry and helps prevent channeling. E&B LAB also makes the Nanotech range of baskets B702TFH20NT and B702THFH22 and has 74 more holes than IMS/BaristaPro baskets, for even greater crema, so grind may have to be made finer. E&B LAB Nano Shower Screen E61200RNT is now one of the most popular E61 shower screens, due to its easy-to-clean and dry puck properties, the wire gauze on the outside acts like a 2nd shower screen so slows the extraction a little to add extra crema, and dry pucks.