Hario Paper Filters for 01 Dripper | unbleached paper | Keep grime free in the box
Made in Japan - Tabbed VCF-01 100MK
The key to brewing a perfect cup is to ensure that you rinse the 01 Hario filter papers with hot water before adding the grounds into the dripper. You should pour the hot water carefully onto the grounds without touching the paper filter.
There is nothing better than waking up to the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. There is also another tiny thing that we all love and that is the delicious coffee taste.
With the Hario filter paper, you can enjoy sediment-free, aromatic, and tasty coffee. The filter papers are shaped perfectly to fit into the 01 Hario dripper.
Hario Misarashi Paper Filters Include:
- 100 x Hario Paper Filters
- Sediment-Free Cup of Coffee
- Biodegradable
- Paperless Taste.
- Made in Japan
- Tabbed for ease of removal