This is a Ceme 588 series 3-way solenoid valve.
Regular machine descaling will prevent this from getting blocked.
You may need this part if:
- No water is coming from the group - the solenoid valve could be blocked with lime or debris.
- Water is constantly dripping from the group when steaming the milk.
- If the machine is not descaled every 3-4 months
Replacing the valve: - Allow 15-30 min
Make sure that the machine is plugged out 1st
You will need Teflon tape and spanners to replace this.
- Remove silicon tube and ss nut
- Slide off the electro valve - (Take note of where the wires go if removing the wires)
- Remove both nuts holding the elbow fittings.(You may have to use boiling water to remove the thread locker glue)
- Finally, remove the old solenoid valve.
- Remove the elbow fittings from the old valve
- Insert new elbow fittings with Teflon tape
- Put everything back and check for leaks
When fitting this solenoid valve - take note of the arrow - it should be pointing away from the boiler. See your old one, if you reverse the valve my mistake - it won't work and you will have to redo it.