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Motta Coffee Knock Box

The best place to dispose of spent coffee pucks is a knock box – simply bang the portafilter firmly on the knock bar, and the dry puck will fall into the knock box and be disposed into the compost heap.

We carry a large range of knock boxes - Choose from (A) Coffee Knock Chute (B) Coffee Knock Tube (C) Home Knock Box  (D) Commercial Knock Box

Metallurgica Motta products are completely manufactured in its own factory in Piedmont Italy - northwest of Milan since 1967

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coffee  knock tube coffee  knock tube Home knock boxes such as Joe Frex Basic will be held in place and won't move, with the aid of the silicon ring underneath, which will absorb the impact of the portafilter. Joe Frex's wooden knock box will match walnut handles and is easy to empty.

Coffee chutes such as the Edo and Rhinoware coffee chute are inserted into the counter, and spent grounds are disposed into a refuse waster bin underneath. The coffee chute is ideal in a busy environment where the café uses more than 1kg per day.

For busy commercial environments that use in excess of 1kg daily the  Crema Pro Coffee Knock Tube and Rhinowares thumpa coffee knock tube can hold up to 3 kg of spent grounds at a time. Spend grinds are easily disposed of in the waste bag, delicate electronic grinders are protected from constant banging on the counter and the Barista suffers less fatigue – less tennis elbow. even have a tabletop Rhino ware thumpa only  33cm tall, for easy knocking out and less barista arm fatigue

Metallurgica Motta specializes in professional and household items made of stainless steel.

What makes Motta so special?

  • Motta is one of the top barista espresso accessories, used by top Baristas the world over.
  • The Motta Europa range of jugs is used in the World Barista Championships in many countries.
  • Motta was one of the main innovators with their range of Motta Adjustable Leveler 58.5mm.
  • The Motta Coffee Dosing Cup fits 57mm and 58mm portafilters and competition baskets such as IMS and E&B