Home PageCoffee Knock DrawerUniversal Under Grinder Knockout Drawer 24cm |
Universal Under Grinder Knockout Drawer 24cm €89.99
Commercial knock box drawer - Best selling commercial knock out drawer Description:
High grade, brushed stainless steel, knock out drawer for used coffee grounds designed for to fit under the coffee grinder.
Other knock out drawers have welded brackets that have a tendency to break off with mild use, our brackets are mechanically fixed to make them (probably) the strongest on the market today. Fitted with high quality screwed non-slip rubber feet. The drawer is vented top and rear to allow the build-up of steam from coffee cakes to escape so reducing condensation in the drawers. These units are dishwasher safe for ease of cleaning and keeping your valued drawer in pristine condition. Having a knock drawer will prevent messy coffee splash, when you dispose of the coffee pucks - just put knock drawer under your grinder and bang away. Reinforced rubber knock bar absorbs the loud bang so you just get a thud.
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