This is a generic after-market steam wand - it will not swivel, unlike the original wand - for orignal see Silvia Steam Wand V1 V2 or below.
Fits straight onto the Rancilio Silvia machine and comes with the female connecting nut.
This steam tube has a single-hole nozzle, that allows you to get fine microfoam for latte art.
Product includes:
1 x steam wand
1 x steam wand black o ring gasket.
Gaggia Classic pre 2015:
Although this wand is designed to fit the Rancilio Silvia, with a little modification it will fit a Gaggia Classic, but it may remain stiff and may not swivel. If you would prefer a wand that swivels see Silvia Steam Wand V1 V2
How to fit this Rancilio steam wand to a Gaggia classic
You will have to remove the nut that comes with this wand and replace it with your Gaggia classic male nut.
Remove the steam nozzle, (This nut is glued to the wand - you will have to use a spanner to remove it.) Remove the rubber protector and steam nut and replace them with your male Rancilio nut. You may have to sand down the pipe a little with sandpaper to get a looser fit. -See video below;
Fits Gaggia domestic machines with aluminium boiler - see left
Gaggia Evolution,
Gaggia Baby machines
Classic: 2015 and before
Classic: 2019 and after
Gaggia Cubika
Evolution, Evolution espresso
06 Dose,
Platinum vision
Kitchen aid 5KES100
Rancilio Silvia: Audrey Nancy Kathy (Rancilio Silvia V1 and V2 ) Replacement steam wand for the early model - see note below.