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Motta Coffee Spoons

Coffee spoons are an important part of the coffee ritual.
Perforated, espresso spoons are used to stir in sugar without disturbing the tasty coffee crema.
TheMotta Latte Spoon x 6are perfect for Frappe, Frappiccino or frozen drinks or Latte and stirring the last bit of chocolate in tall hot chocolates. Motta Coffee Tasting Spoon is one of the original spoons loved by coffee roasters for tasting roasted coffee.

Metallurgica Motta products are completely manufactured in its own factory in Piedmont Italy - northwest of Milan since 1967

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Metallurgica Motta specializes in professional and household items made of stainless steel.

What makes Motta so special?

  • Motta is one of the top barista espresso accessories, used by top Baristas the world over.
  • The Motta Europa range of jugs is used in the World Barista Championships in many countries.
  • Motta was one of the main innovators with their range of Motta Adjustable Leveler 58.5mm.
  • The Motta Coffee Dosing Cup fits 57mm and 58mm portafilters and competition baskets such as IMS and E&B