This kit has 8 extra gaskets, ( Green on the contents tab ) that are not available in a standard gasket kit.
This kit covers almost all that is needed for an overhaul of the lever models -You may not need all the parts now - save for later.
Included are a descaler, food-safe lubricant, and coffee cleaner to descale and clean the coffee filter baskets, shower screen, and a portafilter.
You will need this kit if:
Steam taps leaks, when making coffee.
Coffee overflowing from portafilter when making a coffee.
I have a La Pavoni Grand Cafe GCM, could you assist me in what Gasket kit is compatible for this machine as I would like to overhaul the unit. If you could provide a link to which item to purchase please to help
Blue Star Coffee Replies:
Hi Ryan, We don't have a kit for your model. You can a list of spare parts for that model -
TimfromUnited Kingdomasks
Hi, I’m new to the La Pavoni Europiccola. I bought an almost new one on eBay. I have used other peoples. I’m guessing I need new gaskets/seals as when I lift the lever the water pours through the portafilter and no pressure when you pull down on the leaver. Do you think this gasket kit is what I need. Big thanks. Tim
Blue Star Coffee Replies:
Hi Tim, Probably group gasket or piston gasket is the issue - We have all the group gaskets in the best-selling standard kit - insert " Pavoni Group Service Kit " into our search bar.