Puly Caff Verde Polvere Grouphead Detergent Powder is made of green organic material and certified safe for commercial use.
This product is 100% organic and made with natural ingredients and will take a slightly longer time to activate due to its organic content.
Puly Caff Group GREEN Powder 510g is the most advanced espresso machine cleaner in the world.
The cleaning detergent expands under pressure, cleans all contact surfaces, and releases its full cleaning power faster than any other espresso cleaner.
Puly Caff Group Cleaning Powder foams in contact with water rinses quickly and leaves behind no residue or aftertaste. When the foam is gone so is the Puly Caff.
Used for:
- Cleaning the shower screen
- Cleaning the filter holder and filter baskets
- Cleaning the group heads Use a group head blind filter (if your machine has a solenoid)